Scott Travasos

Scott Travasos

Real Estate Advisor

About Scott Travasos

As one of the original founders of Swell Property, I am fully committed to Swell Property and our incredible team of advisors. I grew up in South Florida (in a similar town to Encinitas) and moved to Encinitas in 2005. I bring 20 years’ experience and a unique approach to your real estate needs – combining my experience as an agent and as a developer.

My commitment is to ensure that any prospective clients needs are fully met, utilizing my experience and leveraging the experience and connections of our team. I and our team have experience in personal residence purchasing and selling, investment property acquisition, and property management.

I reside in Encinitas with my wife and 2 children. I have a M.B.A. from Wake Forest University and a B.A. from Wheaton College.

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